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September 2024

mood today:The current mood of taz100p at www.imood.com

Went to buy some groceries today for my meal! Everything's pretty low calories but honestly I feel fine so far? I definitely feel the urge to snack every so often if it's in sight lol. TT_TT Need to set up my desk still aughh, I wanna draw for my VN!! I did made some progress on the dialogues though and I'm finally having some fun on it :) I also exercised for 30 mins today and I felt pretty great, didn't want to push myself too hard in case I feel exhausted the next day. I'll slowly push up the 150 mins of exercise per week to 180 next week!


Had to wait 4 whole hours for a nutritionist appointment today oguhghh ahhhgh.. the traffic also took another hour and a half so overall like it probably took 6 hours..... I really don't miss this about my home city lmao. They seemed optimistic that I would be done with everything in 2 months so hopefully they weren't wrong on that! It's honestly gonna be pretty hard to give up on a lot of the stuff that I normally eat in short term but I think it can only help in the long run cos I get so sensitive with food allergies and used to be able to tank it pre-covid but no more!!! X_X Also I fucked up and forgot to buy the part for my desk... gotta take care of that tmrw.


I couldn't get the appointment for BP doctor today, so it's going to be on tuesday instead! I think overall though the meds seems to be working fine and as intended, maybe I can take it a bit earlier that day. It functions as a diuretic so I need to be more hydrated and maybe check on potassium levels as well? Starting to learn more business terms, it'll take bit to get used to all this, gotta remind myself to not get overwhelmed too quickly cos realistically it's probably going to take me at least 6 months if not longer to really understand everything!


Finally got around to setting up the blog part! It's both simpler than I originally thought but also kinda tricky to make it like super detailed and stuff. Honestly though I'm kinda happy with the way it looks right now, maybe at some point I'll try customizing it a bit more but pretty satisfied where it's at. still thinking of what to add on the sidebars, currently my plans is art section, maybe a lil guestbook or about me section, then some games i'm currently playing as well. maybe section for miscellanious hobbies or stuff that I get into?

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about me!

hello! I'm taz! (he/him) currently office worker due to health issues and do art on the side! I do some game dev and personal vn projects with my ocs whenever I have time!